Relative Cost Ratio/Index Method

This is another interesting and novel method of calculating capital cost developed by author during his experience over the years. This is based on the concept that relative cost of any plant and equipment; industrial products remain constant and fixed over the period of time for any place or country. For example, relative cost of a bicycle, scooty and car will be same irrespective of time and place. Similarly, relative cost ratio of a three-phase motor and matching gear box and coupling is a constant not affected by time or place. Similarly, relative cost ratio of one Million Tonnes (MT) steel plant & four MT steel plant is constant (Not necessarily linear). Similarly, ratio between 1000 MW Thermal Power Plant with 1 MT steel plant, Cement Plant is constant for a place at any time. By knowing the cost of one the cost of other can be easily calculated. Engineer shall work out these ratios and use them for the calculation of capital cost. These can be cross checked with other methods.

Author has found this method so effective that by knowing the average cost of one cup of tea at particular place, the cost of a plant of a particular capacity can be approximately estimated quickly for estimation purposes.

Operating Cost


1.      Fixed Cost

2.      Variable Cost

Fixed Costs

1.      Fixed costs are those business costs that are not directly related to the level of production or output. In other words, even if the business has a zero output or high output, the level of fixed costs will remain broadly the same. In the long term fixed costs can alter - perhaps as a result of investment in production capacity (e.g. adding a new factory unit) or through the growth in overheads required to support a larger, more complex business.

2.      Examples of fixed costs:
- Rent and rates
- Depreciation
- Research and development
- Marketing costs (non- revenue related)
- Administration costs

Variable Costs

1.      Variable costs are those costs which vary directly with the level of output. They represent payment output-related inputs such as raw materials, direct labour, fuel and revenue-related costs such as commission.

2.      A distinction is often made between "Direct" variable costs and "Indirect" variable costs.

3.      Direct variable costs are those which can be directly attributable to the production of a particular product or service and allocated to a particular cost center. Raw materials and the wages those working on the production line are good examples.

4.      Indirect variable costs cannot be directly attributable to production but they do vary with output. These include maintenance and certain labour costs.

Profit & Loss Calculations

Every engineer/entrepreneur must learn to calculate profit and loss for the industry being set up and this shall be part of curriculum.  Following cost to be calculated for arriving at the profit/loss.

            Variable Cost

            Calculate variable cost as follows:

                                                  i.      Raw materials cost /yr of finished product

                                                ii.      Consumables @ 2-8 % OF Raw Mats Cost

                                              iii.      Utilities – Power Cost

                                              iv.      Utilities – Water + Land use

                                                v.      Factory Salary & Wages

                                              vi.      Repairs & Maintenance 5 %

                                            vii.      Factory insurance 1-1.5%

                                          viii.      Other Factory overheads

   Total Variable Cost/t (Sum of i to viii above)


Fixed Cost

Calculate fixed cost as follows:

                                               i.         Admn. Salary & R&D

                                             ii.         Term Loan interest

                                           iii.         Bank borrowing interest

                                           iv.         Depreciation

Total fixed cost/t (Sum of i to iv above)

Fixed Cost +Variable Cost = Total operating cost

Calculate Profit as follows

Realization from Sales (Turn Over) = Gross Turnover

Gross Profit (Gross Turnover-Variable Cost)

Net Profit/yr (Gross Profit - Fixed Cost)

Net Profit/Year

Income Tax

Profit after tax

Retained earnings per yr.

Cash Generation Over 10 yrs.

   This can be calculated on yearly basis or per t basis.

 Financial Indices Calculations

Knowledge of financial indices is important for taking investment decision. Below are given some important indices which every engineer/entrepreneur shall be able to work out and take appropriate investment decision.

Debt-Service Coverage Ratio

The debt service coverage ratio (DSCR), also known as "debt coverage ratio," (DCR) is the ratio of cash available for debt servicing to interest, principal and lease payments. It is a popular benchmark used in the measurement of a company’s ability to produce enough cash to cover its debt (including lease) payments. The higher this ratio is, the easier it is to obtain a loan.

Internal Rate of Return

The internal rate of return on an investment or project is the "annualized effective compounded return rate" or "rate of return" that makes the net present value of all cash flows (both positive and negative) from a particular investment equal to zero.

In more specific terms, the IRR of an investment is the discount rate at which the net present value of costs (negative cash flows) of the investment equals the net present value of the benefits (positive cash flows) of the investment.

An investment is considered acceptable if its internal rate of return is greater than an established minimum acceptable rate of return or cost of capital

Break-Even Capacity (Average)

Break-even analysis is a technique widely used for financial analysis of a project. It is based on calculating operating cost (production costs) between those which are "variable" (costs that change when the production output changes) and those that are "fixed" (costs not directly related to the volume of production).

Total variable and fixed costs are compared with sales revenue in order to determine the level of sales volume, sales value or production at which the business makes neither a profit nor a loss (the "break-even point").

Pay Back Period

The length of time required to recover the cost of an investment. The payback period of a given investment or project is an important determinant of whether to undertake the position or project, as longer payback periods are typically not desirable for investment positions.

Calculated as:  Payback Period = Cost of Project / Annual Cash Inflows

All other things being equal, the better investment is the one with the shorter payback period. For example, if a project costs 100,000 and is expected to return `20,000 annually, the payback period will be `100,000/`20,000, or five years. There are two main problems with the payback period method:

Ø    It ignores any benefits that occur after the payback period and, therefore, does not measure profitability.

Ø    It ignores the time value of money.


       Contracts Management

Engineer shall have basic knowledge of managing contracts. It includes understanding of following:

Legal aspects of contracts: definition of contracts, elements of a valid contract, offer and acceptance, capacity of the parties to the contract, types of mistakes encountered in contracts, misrepresentation, consideration, express and implied terms and statute of limitations.

Contract documents: drawings, specifications, bill of quantities.

General conditions of Contracts, Special Conditions of contracts.

Types of Contracts-Supply, Semi Turn key, Turn Key contracts

Contracts on BOO, BOOT etc.

Sample contracts

Contractor selection: -parties to a contract: duties of each party

Conditions of contract: clauses of conditions, quality of work during construction, contractor duties, site engineer contractual job, costs of construction, essence of time factor of construction, insurance and bonds and arbitration


An engineer/entrepreneur must be able to comprehend the challenges being faced in the present industry at macro & micro level. As an example, Indian Steel Industry faced number of challenges in the past and present- some of which are highlighted below:

Ø  Scarce natural resources (Iron Ore & Coal crisis)

Ø  Over capacity

Ø  Price Volatility

Ø  Dumping of inferior quality steel from China

Ø  Demand volatility

Ø  Currency Devaluation

Ø  Increase raw mats and energy costs

Ø  Low Productivity

Ø  Higher Production Cost

Ø  Higher Cost of capital

Ø  Lack of infrastructure (Rail, Road, Port Water, Power)

Ø  Delay in environmental clearances

Ø  Technology Obsolescence

Ø  Structural problems

Ø  Delay in carrying economic reforms

Ø  Poor Monsoon

An engineer must be able to recognize the key drivers of the industry to estimate demand forecasting. For example, following are considered the key drivers in fueling the growth of Steel Sector:

Ø  Infrastructure development (capacity building in Power Rail Road, Bridges, Ports, Airports)

Ø  Speeding up and modernization of railway, ports, airports, road transport

Ø  Economic Growth

Ø  Massive Water Supply & Sanitation Programs

Ø  Make in India Program.

Ø  Atam Nirbhar Bharat

Ø  Housing and urban development (Smart cities & Amrut Cities)

Ø  High degree of urbanizations

Ø  High demand in the auto sector

Ø  Capacity building in steel making

Ø  Speedy reforms (GST & Land Acquisition)

Ø  Supportive environment for investors

Ø  Full FDI in all non-sensitive sectors.

Ø  Socio-economic indicators coupled with announced directional plans of the Government

Ø  World economic situation

Ø  Export Potential

Similar challenges and key drivers can be studied in details before venturing out for any new industry/project.

             Demand Supply Analysis

There are some basic principles of Demand supply forecasting. With the increase in population, increase in urbanization and service industry, the basic needs of the masses like Food, Clothing, Housing, Telecommunication  Information highway, Transport, Education, Health & Hospitality Sectors, Insurance, Entertainments, Tourism & Event Management, Digital Marketing & Payment, Pharmacy, House Hold appliances, the  demand for products related to above ( For example Food grains, Pulses, Vegetable Oils, Fruits & Vegetables, Houses, House hold appliances like Smart TVs, Air Conditioners, Refrigerators, Ovens, Lighting Equipment, Water Supply & Sanitation wares, Furnitures,  Smart Mobile Phones, Tablets, Smart Televisions , Two & Four wheelers, Petroleum Products, Chemicals & Fertilizers, Hospitals, Schools, Banking , Entertainment  games, movies, ) are bound to increase and it shall be the duty of the Central Government Agencies to estimate the short term, medium term and long term demands in each sector. Based on the demand estimated by these agencies and available capacity, the short fall shall be estimated for each sector. These short falls shall be translated into skills demand and a holistic planning model shall be prepared for every field right from Agriculture to space industry. Accordingly, whole education system shall be planned to fill the gap by skills development and engaging students in production activities after finishing their education. (Refer my separate article on same1). Technical Colleges shall become the hub for turning engineers into entrepreneur and supply of skills manpower to the industry and service industries.

Conventional demand forecasting methods like Time Series Analysis, Trend Projection, A Barometric Forecasting, Casual Forecasting, Expert Demand forecasting are useful but becoming less relevant due to growth of e commerce, on line marketing, B2B Marketing, B to C marketing.

The other factors to be considered are Pricing, Growth, Marketing / Distribution Channels, Trade Practices and Export Potential.


As can be seen from above it is imperative that all the aspects discussed above are necessary to be learned during course of technical education for development of entrepreneurship temperament in the minds of young engineers. Once any entrepreneur/engineer applies above considerations and concepts for implementing any project, then it can be safely said that the project has been taken care holistically from 360 degree and nothing more is left to chance. This all-round approach can turn all young engineers to think in holistic sense or “Engineered Thinking”

This think like engineer approach can help even non engineers and immensely benefit them for day to day purchasing of house hold or industrial appliances, equipment, construction of house. By applying above approach they will be able to select proper land, buy equipment considering ease of operation, needing less maintenance, less spare parts and inventory, keep interchangeability in mind (Say buy similar smart phones for family), compliance to safety requirements (lower radiation levels from smart phones), design (buying smartphone which works universally suiting to all the bands say in India and US), better ergonomic design and so on. For example, one of my colleagues who did not think like engineer bought Nokia Smart Phone from India for use in USA. Sadly, it did not work in USA as the same was not designed for US frequency bands.

It is recommended that all the above concepts shall become part of curriculum of all hard-core degree and diploma engineering courses. Also, this shall form part of one-year entrepreneurship course to be introduced as finishing school for the engineering graduates and diploma holders who have already finished their education and wish to become entrepreneurs in near future.


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